Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blogger Shout-Out!

Really great post about wine pricing here from The Gray Market.

What IS that bottle really worth? What does that even mean?

1 comment:

  1. There are commodity and non-commodity things sold and bought in the market place. The pricing of both depend on supply and demand. One of the differences between commodity and non-commodity pricing is commodities typically rely on small margins and large volumes, whereas non-commodities typically are just the opposite. Because of that difference commodities are usually impersonal and non-commodities should be much more or very personal, i.e., unique and identifiable. There is usually value associated with the personal and that value can have a huge subjective range. Using Wicker Parker’s example, he describes the Montinore pinot as classic, good, like the usual 2.5 tons/acre. I’ve not tasted either the Montinore or the Bergstrom, but I suspect Bergstrom strives to taste like Bergstrom and not simply good or the usual. The people who agree buy the wine at $78/bottle.
